Usa Telugu Calendar 2024 November

Usa Telugu Calendar 2024 November

Telangana Telugu Calendars 2018 March
Telangana Telugu Calendars 2018 March from

November is a month of celebrations and festivities in the Telugu community. As an Indian expat living in the USA, I always make sure to keep track of the Telugu calendar and its important events. This year, November in the Telugu calendar is especially exciting, with a lineup of festivals and celebrations that are not to be missed. In this article, I’ll be sharing my personal experience with the Telugu calendar and diving deeper into the events and festivals that make November 2024 so special.

What is the Telugu Calendar?

The Telugu calendar is a traditional calendar used in the Telugu-speaking regions of India. It follows the lunar cycle and is based on the Hindu calendar, with each month corresponding to a specific phase of the moon. The Telugu calendar is widely used by Telugu-speaking communities around the world, including in the USA.

Events and Festivals in Usa Telugu Calendar 2024 November

November 2024 in the Telugu calendar is packed with festivals and celebrations, including:

  • Karthika Masam: This month-long festival is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is celebrated with great fervor in Telugu-speaking regions. Devotees observe fasts and offer prayers to Lord Shiva throughout the month.
  • Kartika Purnima: This full moon day marks the end of the Karthika Masam and is celebrated with offerings of lamps and flowers to Lord Shiva.
  • Nagula Chavithi: This festival is dedicated to worshipping snakes and seeking their blessings. Devotees offer milk and sweets to snakes and pray for their protection.
  • Dev Deepavali: This festival marks the celebration of the gods and is observed on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Kartika. Devotees light lamps and offer prayers to the gods.
  • Guru Nanak Jayanti: This Sikh festival celebrates the birth of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. Sikh communities around the world come together to sing hymns and offer prayers.

Celebrations for Usa Telugu Calendar 2024 November Festivals

Each of the festivals and events in November 2024 in the Telugu calendar is celebrated in its unique way. Here are some of the ways these festivals are celebrated:

Karthika Masam

Karthika Masam is an important festival in the Telugu-speaking regions, and it is celebrated with great enthusiasm. Many devotees observe fasts throughout the month and offer prayers to Lord Shiva. Many temples hold special events and poojas during this month, and devotees flock to these temples to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva.

Kartika Purnima

Kartika Purnima is celebrated with the lighting of lamps and the offering of flowers to Lord Shiva. Many devotees also take a dip in holy rivers and lakes to cleanse themselves of sins.

Nagula Chavithi

Nagula Chavithi is dedicated to worshipping snakes and seeking their blessings. In many Telugu-speaking regions, people decorate their homes with rangolis and offer milk and sweets to snakes. Many people also visit temples dedicated to snakes to offer their prayers.

Dev Deepavali

Dev Deepavali is celebrated with the lighting of lamps and the offering of prayers to the gods. Many devotees also take a dip in holy rivers and lakes to cleanse themselves of sins. In many Telugu-speaking regions, people also decorate their homes with rangolis and offer sweets and fruits to the gods.

Guru Nanak Jayanti

Guru Nanak Jayanti is celebrated by Sikh communities around the world. Many people visit gurudwaras to offer prayers and sing hymns. Special langars (community meals) are also organized, where people come together to share food and celebrate the festival.

Question and Answer Section

Q: What is the significance of Karthika Masam?

A: Karthika Masam is an important festival in the Telugu-speaking regions as it is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Many devotees observe fasts and offer prayers to Lord Shiva throughout the month to seek his blessings.

Q: Why is Nagula Chavithi celebrated?

A: Nagula Chavithi is dedicated to worshipping snakes and seeking their blessings. In many Telugu-speaking regions, it is believed that snakes are protectors and bring good luck. This festival is celebrated to seek their blessings and protection.


Q: When is Kartika Purnima in 2024?

A: Kartika Purnima falls on November 12, 2024, in the Telugu calendar.

Q: What other festivals are celebrated in November in the Telugu calendar?

A: Apart from the festivals mentioned in this article, other important festivals in November in the Telugu calendar include Naraka Chaturdashi, Diwali, and Govardhan Puja.

In conclusion, November 2024 in the Telugu calendar is a month of celebrations and festivities, with something for everyone. Whether you are a devotee seeking the blessings of Lord Shiva or looking to celebrate the birth of Guru Nanak, there is much to look forward to. As an expat living in the USA, I make sure to keep track of the Telugu calendar and its events, and I encourage everyone to do the same.