La Telugu Calendar 2024 August

La Telugu Calendar 2024 August

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Calendar Aug 2021 venkatrama telugu calendar 2021 february from

As we approach the month of August 2024, it’s time to dive deep into the La Telugu Calendar and explore the events and festivals taking place during this time. Being a Telugu myself, I have always been fascinated by the rich culture and traditions of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Hence, I am excited to share my knowledge and personal experience of the La Telugu Calendar 2024 August.

La Telugu Calendar 2024 August: An Overview

The La Telugu Calendar follows the lunisolar calendar system and is widely used in the Telugu-speaking regions of India. It consists of 12 months and each month is named after a constellation of stars. August 2024 falls under the month of Shravana and Bhadrapada, and is considered an important time for various cultural and religious activities.

Events and Festivals in La Telugu Calendar 2024 August

August 2024 is packed with numerous events and festivals that showcase the vibrant culture and traditions of Telugu people. Here’s a list of some of the major events and festivals taking place during this time:

  • Varalakshmi Vratam
  • Rishi Panchami
  • Janmashtami
  • Ganesh Chaturthi
  • Nagula Chavithi
  • Bathukamma

Varalakshmi Vratam

Varalakshmi Vratam is a significant festival celebrated by married women in the Telugu-speaking regions. It falls on the second Friday of Shravana month and is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Women observe a day-long fast and perform special puja to seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. They also share sweets and savories with family and friends.

Rishi Panchami

Rishi Panchami is a unique festival that falls on the fifth day after Ganesh Chaturthi. It is celebrated to honor the contribution of the seven sages or rishis in shaping the Hindu culture. On this day, people take a holy dip in rivers or lakes and perform special puja to seek forgiveness for their sins.


Janmashtami is a widely celebrated Hindu festival that marks the birth of Lord Krishna. It falls on the eighth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Bhadrapada. People observe fast, sing devotional songs and perform puja to seek the blessings of Lord Krishna. The festival is also marked by the Dahi Handi ceremony, where people form human pyramids to break a pot of curd tied at a height.

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi is a popular festival celebrated across India to honor the elephant-headed God, Lord Ganesha. It falls on the fourth day of the waxing moon in the month of Bhadrapada. People install clay idols of Lord Ganesha at home and in public pandals, perform puja and offer sweets and flowers. The festival culminates with the immersion of the idols in water bodies.

Nagula Chavithi

Nagula Chavithi is a unique festival celebrated by women in the Telugu-speaking regions to honor the snake god. It falls on the fourth day after Diwali and is observed as a day of fasting and prayer. Women offer milk to snake holes and seek blessings for the well-being of their families.


Bathukamma is a colorful and vibrant festival celebrated by women in Telangana. It falls on the eighth day of the waxing moon in the month of Bhadrapada. Women make colorful flower arrangements and sing folk songs, dance and perform puja to the goddess Gauri. The festival celebrates the spirit of womanhood and the beauty of nature.

Question and Answer Section

Q. What is the significance of Varalakshmi Vratam?

A. Varalakshmi Vratam is observed by married women to seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity. It is believed that performing this puja with devotion can bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to the family.

Q. Why do people immerse the idols of Lord Ganesha in water bodies during Ganesh Chaturthi?

A. Immersion of the idols in water bodies is a ritualistic process that symbolizes the return of Lord Ganesha to his abode after visiting earth. It also signifies the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth and emphasizes the impermanence of life.


Q. Is La Telugu Calendar the same as the Hindu calendar?

A. No, La Telugu Calendar is a regional variation of the Hindu calendar that is widely used in the Telugu-speaking regions of India.

Q. What is the difference between Shravana and Bhadrapada months?

A. Shravana and Bhadrapada are two consecutive months in the La Telugu Calendar. Shravana falls in July-August and is associated with the rainy season. Bhadrapada falls in August-September and is associated with the harvest season.

Overall, La Telugu Calendar 2024 August is a time of great cultural and religious significance for the Telugu people. These festivals and events not only bring people together but also help in preserving the rich cultural heritage of the region.