City Montessori School Holiday Calendar 2024

City Montessori School Holiday Calendar 2024

20232024 Calendar Beavercreek City Schools
20232024 Calendar Beavercreek City Schools from

As a former student of City Montessori School, I have always been amazed by the various events and festivals that take place throughout the year. With the release of the holiday calendar for 2024, I was excited to see what was in store for the upcoming year.

List of Events and Festivals in “City Montessori School Holiday Calendar 2024”

The holiday calendar for 2024 includes a wide range of events and festivals for students to participate in. Some of the highlights include:

  • Republic Day Celebration
  • Holi Celebration
  • Earth Day Celebration
  • Independence Day Celebration
  • Teacher’s Day Celebration
  • Diwali Celebration
  • Christmas Celebration

Details of Events and Festivals Celebration for “City Montessori School Holiday Calendar 2024”

Each event and festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor at City Montessori School. The Republic Day celebration includes a parade, flag hoisting ceremony, and cultural programs. Holi is celebrated with colors and sweets, and students also learn about the environmental impact of the festival. Earth Day celebration includes activities such as planting trees and cleaning the school premises.

The Independence Day celebration includes a cultural program, speeches, and a flag hoisting ceremony. Teacher’s Day is a special day where students show their appreciation for their teachers through various activities and events. Diwali is celebrated with the lighting of diyas, rangolis, and cultural programs. The Christmas celebration includes carol singing, Santa Claus, and a cultural program.

Question and Answer Section

What is the significance of the various events and festivals celebrated at City Montessori School?

The events and festivals celebrated at City Montessori School have both cultural and educational significance. They help students learn about different cultures and traditions, and also promote environmental awareness and social responsibility.

Are parents allowed to participate in the events and festivals?

Yes, parents are encouraged to participate in the events and festivals celebrated at City Montessori School. They can attend cultural programs, help with preparations, and also volunteer for various activities.

What is the dress code for the events and festivals?

Students are expected to dress in traditional attire for cultural events and festivals. For other events, students are expected to dress in formal attire.


How can I get a copy of the holiday calendar for 2024?

The holiday calendar for 2024 is available on the school website. You can also get a copy from the school office.

Are there any changes to the holiday calendar?

Any changes to the holiday calendar will be communicated through the school website and notice board. It is advisable to regularly check for updates.

In conclusion, the holiday calendar for 2024 at City Montessori School is packed with exciting events and festivals that provide students with a well-rounded education. These events not only promote cultural awareness but also inculcate values such as social responsibility and environmental awareness.